Thinking of joining us?
In order to start the process, please complete the details on the “Contact us” page and we will call you to discuss. Alternatively, you can call us on 07 5406 2070 and we can discuss the process with you over the phone.
After you have made contact, the next step is to come as a visitor and have a FREE BREAKFAST ON US and see how it all works.
Our breakfast meeting is on each Wednesday morning at Suncoast Christian College, Cnr Kiel Mountain & Schubert Rd in Woombye.
6:45am Arrival and Networking
7:00am Meeting Start
8:30am Meeting Finish
Three breakfast choices are on offer, together with barista-made coffee.
Please ensure you bring at least 40 business cards with you for our members and visitors.
Come along as a visitor for a taste of what is possible.